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Win an Appearance in a GEICO Commercial

Win an Appearance in a GEICO Commercial

You can enter the Best Of Sweepstakes from GEICO for your chance to win a trip to Los Angeles to appear in a GEICO commercial. You enter by voting for your favorite Best Of GEICO commercial. If you win you’ll receive a two-night trip for two to LA that includes airfare, accommodations, $1,400 in spending money, an appearance in a GEICO commercial and a $1,200 payment after you appear. Entry ends February 05, 2019.

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  1. As a schoolteacher, I have always had and still often have the privilege of being there for my students and players that I coached in ways that your Geico adds reflect being there for their clients….I love and live the concept…would also make a unique commercial concept to show the many ways I do this …very relatable to your vision…to INSURE the future of others.

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