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Win a Trip to the ACM Awards in Las Vegas

Win a Trip to the ACM Awards in Las Vegas

You can enter the ACM Awards Sweepstakes from Dr Pepper and Big Lots for your chance to win the grand-prize trip to the American Country Music Awards in Las Vegas. The trip includes airfare, accommodations, ACM Awards Telecast tickets and concert and dinner passes. You’ll also have a chance to win a weekly-prize of a backpack, mountain bike or kettle grill. Entry ends February 09, 2019.

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  1. My fiance and I have never been on a vacation before. We are getting cabin fever. We would love to win this.

  2. I enjoy Country Music and I have a son that works in Las Vegas. It would be a great opportunity. My birthday is May 12th and his is on May 10th. This would be a great gift for both of us. I also like Dr. Pepper

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