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Win a Weber Spirit II Gas Grill

Win a Weber Spirit II Gas Grill from Treasure Cave

You can enter the Thrilling Grilling Instant Win & Sweepstakes from Treasure Cave for your chance to be 1 of 3 winners of a Weber Spirit II LP Gas Grill valued over $400. You’ll also have a chance to be an Instant Winner of 1 of over 300 instant prizes including a Weber Smokey Joe Grill, a grilling cookbook, a grill utensil set, or a Weber seasoning and rub set. Entry ends August 30, 2019.

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  1. I’ve never owned a Weber grill but I would love to!! I’m cooking on a grill that the bottom rotted off, as did 2 of its burners! As a new widow, I cannot afford a new one safe, or not. I need a new one badly!

  2. I would love this grill i have a Weber but it’s getting old 25 years old. It’s been good to me Weber is best

  3. love weber products..maybe just maybe one of my kids will visit if i have this to cook or them

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