Win a Nintendo Switch + Super Mario Maker 2
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Win a Nintendo Switch + Super Mario Maker 2

You can enter the Let’s Play Giveaway from Southwest Airlines for your chance to win round trip air travel for four and four Nintendo Switch systems bundled with a download code for a digital version of the Super Mario Maker 2 game. You’ll also have a chance to be 1 of 30 daily prize winners of a Nintendo Switch System. Entry ends August 13, 2019.

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  1. I moved to San Antonio from Atlanta, GA to escape an abusive situation as well as deplorable living conditions with my 4 children with just the clothes on our backs. All of my family is on the other side of the Mississippi river and due to limited funds we cannot visit,winning this would be awesome.

  2. My husband and I currently live in Michigan. My son and his family live in Frisco TX. My daughter and granddaughter moved to Austin TX one week ago. I’m heartbroken, no longer having any grandchildren around. This is the first time in 20 years we’ve been without any of them.
    Winning this contest would enable us to visit them! What a joy!

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