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Win a $4,500 Summer Getaway from Lands’ End

Win a $4,500 Summer Getaway from Lands' End

You can enter the Getaway Giveaway from Lands’ End for your chance to win $4,500 to create your own perfect summer getaway or anything else you want to spend it on. You’ll also have a chance to be one of four runner-ups who win a $100 Lands’ Ends e-Gift Card. Entry ends June 20, 2019.

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  1. After being “home” for months this would be so wonderful to win a Lands End Gettaway!

  2. This would be a blessing to win! My daughter and I would travel to see her siblings if I were to win. Good luck to everyone participating, and Congratulations to whomever should win!!

  3. Thank you so very much, sure need this. Hum, what will I do with this special opportunity, what a blessing.

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