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Win a $10,000 Weekend from Ryan Seacrest

Win a $10,000 Weekend from Ryan Seacrest

You can enter the Weekend Reimagined Sweepstakes from Ryan Seacrest to win a check for $10,000 from Capital One Bank to put towards a unforgettable getaway weekend or anything else you want to spend it on. Entry ends May 26, 2019.

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  1. I wish to win so I can get my,own apt since I left my abusive husband. I have let everything and left with just the clothes off my back with my cat.

  2. just imagine with that extra ten grand I could move to Arizona divorce my old bat and find a nice warm young hottie to play with..

  3. I am disabled and Home bound. I will be having surgery in a couple weeks for 6 herniated discs and 2 impinged nerves in my spinal column.I live on social security which is so far below poverty level that I cannot pay my bills. It would be an honor and a great help if I could win this contest.Thank you for listening

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