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  1. the people at the hospital will be surprised when I drive up in this nice shinny new ford when I bring in the wife for her mental exams what a ride this will be..

  2. I really would love to win it I need an automobile bad I do not have one I am license my car is down and I need a vehicle severely bad to get to the store and various other places doctor’s office and maybe even find a job hopefully if I can get a vehicle

  3. Ford vehicles are the best and made strong, I have had several of them starting with my very first vehicle after returning from SOUTH EAST ASIA in the 1970’s and I am driving one now and I do not want any other vehicle. They are built strong for sure and last for years with very little maintenance.

  4. I am recently wodowed.
    I currently drive a 2000 350 Ford
    It is used to haul my 5th Wheel
    Cost of diesel fuel has risen incredibly!
    I love the golden 350!!
    … but now on a very limited income just gong to the store is almost prohibitive
    The new fuel economy of the 2019 Fird would be very welcomed!!
    Could the 5th Wheel tow package be added to the 2019?
    Would the 2019 have the power to tow the 5th Wheell?

    Just the thought is so exciting!!
    The 2019 is another golden beauty!!
    Thanx for this opportunity!!

  5. Money is very tight I have to work long hours to try to make things working nee truck would be very helpful and appreciated

  6. That is one beautiful TRUCK!!! Thank you for the chance to win it… we sure could use it with both of my current vehicles in need of some repair. Thanks again.

  7. I am driving a 1995 ranger and winning a NEW Ranger would just set me up to take a long road trip in something new would be perfect.Go places I’m not sure the old one would take me.

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