Win $1K Towards Your Heating Bill

iHeartRadio wants to help pay for your heating bill this winter. You can enter the Pay Your Heating Bill Sweepstakes from iHeartRadio for your chance to be 1 of 15 winners of $1,000 towards your heating bill paid in the form of a check. Entry ends December 20, 2019.
This would be a God Send! I just checked our oil tank and we are under a quarter of a tank. My son and I are both disabled and we got turned down for HEAP still can’t figure it out. Luckily in September the local churches gave us$300 we have been keeping it at 56 degrees in our house and just bundle up extra blankets and clothes. I worked all my life 15 yrs old till now at 54 and now I am unable and I’m made to feel like dirty garbage asking for help. I hope they are treated better if they are ever in the same situation. I just wanted to say thank you for a chance and good luck everyone.
This win would be a great help to our family.
Warm great Christmas prize ; gift from iHeartRadio! Thank you.
This would be a god send for my son and I. We must be doing something wrong because we applied for HEAP which is help with our heat and we got turned down. I know people who get much more than I do in disability each month but they get help and don’t pay out of pocket what I do. I will not lie in order to get help. My son and I keep our heat set at 56 and just bundle up with heavy clothes and extra blankets at this would be the best Christmas gift ever. Thanks for the chance. Good luck to everyone.