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Win $16,000 from Ellen

Win $16,000 from Ellen

You can enter the Most Gifted Wrapper Contest from Ellen Tube for your chance to win $16,000. All you have to do is submit a photo of your beautifully wrapped holiday gift and tell them why you deserve to win the cash! You’ll also have a chance to be 1 of 5 winners of a gift from the 12 Days Of Giveaways or 1 of 12 winners of a $300 Visa gift card. Entry ends December 28, 2018.

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  1. Hi I am a Mom of 46 years old I have a 5 kids from 32 years old son and daughter of 30 years old and son of 28 and son of 26 and son of 23 grandkids 4 16 year’s old he was adopted out at 4 year’s old a grandson of 11 a granddaughter of 7 year’s old and a grandson of 2 year’s old I am disabled 7 cat crashing in my life so much pain it hurts to walk around sleep every night I love my family I am not married my 2 husband passed away .y 1st husband took a wife and her kids on abandoned his on so I have more than enough on my self to get done my son who loves your show was looking at it one day I said is she doing the Christmas gifts he said yes entry online so I don’t have much to give my family for Christmas only prayer and dollar store gifts I hope they are having a good Christmas with it mostly just gifts for my grandkids my daughter needs ear phones so I got them for her I guess I felt so sad all month not being able to make there Christmas holiday a happy one but I went to Church and realized that the best gift was God’s gave his on son so I can
    Be with him for everyone all he took our place so we can be with him in love for each person free gift is his love

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