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Win $10,000 from Challenge Butter

Win $10,000 from Challenge Butter

You can enter the Real Summer Real Flavor Instant Win & Sweepstakes from Challenge Butter for your chance to win the grand prize of $10,000 awarded in the form of a check. You’ll also have a chance to instantly win one of 4,600 prizes like a GoodCook prize pack, Challenge Butter products, or Mrs. Cubbinson’s Salad Topppings. Entry ends September 6, 2019.

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  1. I have always loved Challenge butter! Growing up, my grandmother had a huge oil painting on her living room wall that was the spitting image of Challenge Butter’s elk logo. I was told she bought it from a man who painted it himself and sold his works that he had set up in his yard. So every time I see Challenge butter advertised, or in the grocery store, I’m reminded of my grandmother and that painting, and the homey taste of butter on toast at her house. (Butter was a rare treat, as my family couldn’t afford to buy it when I was a child.)

    Winning the $10,000 prize from Challenge butter would be a wonderful, very much-needed treat for my family! We need the money for so many things, for so many bills.

  2. Why does the link to featured contest not work? It hasn’t worked for a couple of months.

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