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Win A $1,000 Artisan KitchenAid Mixer

Win A $1,000 Artisan KitchenAid Mixer

You can enter Ultimate Mother’s Day Sweepstakes by Kitchen Collection for your chance to win a KitchenAid Mixer worth $1,000. Good Luck! Entry ends May 06, 2018.

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  1. I have a Kitchen Aid mixer, which I love, but these bowls would go good with my green kitchen and a new green Kitchen Aid. I could then give the one I have to one of my sons, only one does not have one.

  2. I have been asking for one of these for at least 15 years! My birthday is May 6th I’m confused why this says it’s when your contest ends what a great birthday and Mother’s Day gift this would be except I read this Sweepstake in your September 2018 magazine and its States enter by August 28th for a chance to win❤?

  3. I have been asking for one of these for at least 15 years! My birthday is May 6th when your contest ends what a great birthday and Mother’s Day gift this would be❤?

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