Win a $250 VISA Gift Card from Cricket Wireless
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Win a $250 VISA Gift Card from Cricket Wireless

You can enter the Celebrating Culture Sweepstakes from Cricket Wireless for your chance to be 1 of 8 winners of a prize pack that includes a $250 VISA gift card and items such as hand sanitizer, a phone sanitizer, candle, bath salts, playing cards, a branded mug, and more. Entry ends December 31, 2020.

Win a Private Watch Party from Cinemark
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Win a Private Watch Party from Cinemark

You can enter the 12 Days of Giveaways from Cinemark for your chance to be 1 of 100 winners of a private watch party for you and up to 19 guests at a Cinemark theatre. You’ll also have a chance to win a Movie Club membership, $100 Cinemark gift card, coupon codes for refreshments, and…

Win a $2K Room Makeover + $500 Balsam Hill Shopping Spree
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Win a $2K Room Makeover + $500 Balsam Hill Shopping Spree

You can enter the Deck The Halls Holiday Sweepstakes from Hallmark Channel for your chance to win a $500 shopping spree towards Balsam Hill holiday décor and $2,000 for your own room makeover awarded in the form of a gift card. Entry ends December 25, 2020.