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Win Golden Corral for a Year

Win Golden Corral for a Year

You can enter the Year of Corral Sweepstakes from Golden Corral for your chance to win Golden Corral for a year in the form of twenty-one $50 Golden Corral gift cards for a total value of $1,050. If you win you’ll be enjoying America’s #1 buffet and grill all year long. Entry ends February 17, 2019.

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  1. I like the fact you can get different veggies, meat, dessert that you want. I have never been able to take home left overs mine watches like a hawk to make sure you don’t take any food home.

  2. I love Golden Coral, My son and I ate there last week. It was so good. I bought the left over biscuits home and had them for breakfast next morning with their fried apples,YUMMMMM

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